Addiction is a disease that affects your brain and behavior. Addiction is psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug or activity. The term addiction does not refer only to the consumption of heroin or cocaine. Some addictions can also be for activities like gambling, eating and working.
Addiction is a chronic disease that can also result from taking overdose of medicines. The overuse of prescribed Opioid Painkillers causes 115 deaths everyday in United States.
Drugs overdose
Drug overdose can be accidental or intentional. They occur when a person takes more than the medically prescribed dose.
Overdose treatment
A medication called naloxone can reverse the effect of heroin or some other kind of painkillers. Doctors have used it for years to save the lives.
The primary indications of addiction are:
- Uncontrollably seeking drugs.
- Neglecting or losing interest in activities that do not involve the harmful substance.
- Relationship difficulties, which often involves lashing out at people who are closely related to you.
- An inability to stop using a drug, though it may be causing health problems and personal problems, such as issues with employment or relationships.
- Hiding substances or behaviors for example, by refusing to explain injuries that occurred while under the influence
When a person has an addiction and he stops taking that substance then he may experience certain symptoms:
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Fatigue
If a person has regularly used alcohol and suddenly he stops using it without medical supervision, the withdrawal is fatal.
Effects of addictions:
Side effects of drugs addiction may include:
- A weekend immune system, increasing the risk of illness and infection.
- Heart conditions ranging from abnormal heart to heart attacks and collapsed veins and blood vessel infections from injected drugs.
- Nausea and abnormal pain which can also lead to weight loss.
- Increased strain on liver which puts the person at risk of significant liver damage or liver failure.
- Mental confusion and brain damage.
- Lung diseases.
- Problem with memory, attention and decision-making, which make daily living difficult.
- Global effects of drugs on the body, such as increases in body temperature which can lead to other health problems.
Treatment of drug addiction:
There are many options that have been successful in treating drug addiction, including:
- Behavioral counseling
- Medication
- Evaluation and treatment for co- occurring mental health issues such as depressions and anxiety.
- Long term follow up to pretend relapse.
Effects of addiction on other people:
- Increased spread of infectious disease like HIV AIDS.
- Increased risk of motor vehicle accidents.
- Disturbance
- Psychological effects on families of addicted persons.
Types of drugs treatment programs:
- Residential treatment: residential treatment involves living at hospitals and getting away from school, work, family and friends. Residential treatment can last from a few days to several months.
- Day treatment/ partial hospitalization: partial hospitalization is for those people who require medical monitoring but wish to still live at home and have a stable living environment.
- Outpatient treatment: these outpatient programs can be scheduled around school and work. You are treated during the day and evening but don’t stay overnight. The major focus is relapse prevention.
- Sober living treatment: living in a sober house normally follows an intensive treatment program such as residential treatment. You live with other addicts in a safe and supporting environment.
Keys to finding best addiction treatment
- Treatment of addiction is different for different persons.
- Treatment success depends on developing a new way of living.
- Commitments and follow up are strong keys.
- There are many places for help.
Homeopathic and de-addiction
Homeopathic is an effective way to deal with drug addiction. Homeopathic treatment for drug addiction uses 3 approaches to address the problem.
Firstly, homeopathic medicines help in recovering from symptoms that a person experiencing because of the drugs.
Secondly, they help in curing withdrawal symptoms.
Thirdly, homeopathic medicines help a person to fight with the habit of drug taking.
Homeopathic treatment:
- Avena sativa: It works well in case of heroin addiction. It is the best medicine in case of withdrawal.
- Nux Vomica: It is a recommended medicine in case of alcohol addiction.
- Morphinum: It is very useful for treating drug addiction with heart symptoms.
- Coffea: homeopathic medicine for drug addiction with marked insomnia after a phase of excitement.
Sulphuricum acidum: it is a medicine for drug addiction with a craving of alcoholic stimulants.